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Live-Class 체험 설명회 안내

Habit 9의 차별화 된 온라인 Live-Class 시스템을 체험을 통해 상세히 소개해 드립니다.

자녀분들이 수업하게 될 Habit 9만의 참여형 Live-Class 시스템을 학생처럼 모의 수업에 참여하시면서, 왜 다른 온라인 수업과는 달리 더 집중이 잘 되고 학생들이 열심히 참여할 수 밖에 없는지를 직접 경험하는 기회를 가지실 수 있습니다.

관심있는 학부모님들께서는 아래의 내용을 참고하시어 신청하여 주시기 바랍니다.

  • 대상

    Habit 9 Live-Class를 경험하지 못한 비재원생 학부모님

  • 신청조건

    실제 수업 환경처럼 서로 얼굴을 보며 대화하는 것에 동의하시는 분
    컴퓨터, 헤드셋, 웹캠 등 장치가 준비되신 분

  • 체험설명회 일시

    공지사항 확인

  • 신청방법

    홈페이지 선착순 접수
    ※ 홈페이지 학부모 로그인 > Reservations메뉴 > 설명회/기타 예약

  • 학부모님의 개인 컴퓨터 환경과 가정내 네트웍 상황에 에 따라 체험 수업참여가 어려운 경우 부득이 설명회에 참여 불가하실 수도 있음을 양해 부탁드립니다.

The New Normal : Habit 9 Live-Class

Live-Class, the new normal classroom modality
Live-Class, a cutting-edge academic experience
Live-Class, inspiring innovation since 2016
Live-Class, a place where leaders grow
Live-Class, your story begins here

“Habit 9's innovative Live-Class system is the perfect gateway to effective online learning. From my personal experience, my students and I were able to transition to utilizing the Live-Class system with ease and without sacrificing any of the functionalities an offline class has to offer. As for ease of use, this program was created with students in mind. Once students are given a quick run-through of the many useful functions, they are able to efficiently utilize them for the betterment of their learning. In addition, some of the activities such as in-class tests, presentations, and debates can be conducted with more efficiency. Simply put, everything we do in an offline setting is possible and more with the Live-Class system: from test taking functions to group-work settings, this program has it all. And most important of all, this program provides a platform for teachers to do what they love: to teach and mentor the next generation of students.”

- a comment from a Habit 9 Teacher
“Teaching via the live class system provides a unique opportunity as a teacher, sitting on the cutting edge of technology, witnessing the future of education. While you may have some experience of communicating via ZOOM or Skype with friends or colleagues, teaching young elementary-middle school students online may be a novel experience, and something no other institution is providing. This means that you are put in a unique position to be an entrepreneur, going against certain norms of the traditional classroom model, and integrating innovative, technology-based solutions into your teaching methods. You get to help shape the future of online education while having a lot of fun and helping students all over Korea learn high-level English. There is the potential for a national, and even an international reach of the online program, and the room for flexibility for you as the teacher to teach anywhere an internet connection reaches you.”

- an invitation to teachers at home and abroad